Tag Archives: asphalt

Natural Asphalt History Natural Asphalt History What is Asphalt Asphalt is the inflammable substance we use to day to surface our roads and roof our homes. But it is much more than that, especially to the ancients. It was their glue, their means of waterproofing, and occasionally their method of making a living. It was […]

Natural Asphalt Natural Asphalt RAHA Natural Asphalt, produced from bituminous rocks and it is a change after more than millions of years of natural mineral precipitation, under pressure and geological changes in the form of mining Having broken from the fine granular powder, light brown, where the asphalt content of about 80% to 85%, the […]

Gilsonite-Asphalt Mixture Gilsonite-Asphalt mixture – Application of Gilsonite in Hot Mix Asphalt Definition Of Gilsonite GILSONITE is a pure hydrocarbon, with a melting point between 160°C and 220°C. The mineral is natural bitumen and geologically petroleum based solid and therefore extremely compatible with petroleum bitumen. When blended, a very intimate molecule of GILSONITE and bitumen […]